Eye Exams
Comprehensive Eye Examination

At Brumm Eye Center you will get a comprehensive eye exam to not only evaluate how well you see, but also identify any potential eye diseases. Our doctors are trained and licensed in diagnosing and treating eye diseases, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. These conditions can result in serious vision loss if not detected and treated early. Often patients with these diseases don’t experience any visual symptoms before vision loss occurs.
Comprehensive eye exams are recommended every two years. Patients over 55 years of age or with a family history of glaucoma, diabetes or macula degeneration should have a yearly eye exam.
What to expect at your eye exam:
Your doctor will dilate the pupils of your eyes, in order to better see the entire retina at the back of your eye. Although dilation primarily affects the vision at near, some patients feel more comfortable making transportation arrangements. Dilating drops usually last 4-5 hours.
Your exam may include:
- Visual assessment or refraction test to determine the degree to which you may be nearsighted, farsighted or have an astigmatism.
- Eye muscle function tests to check the movement of your eyes in each direction and at specified angles. This test will identify any involuntary eye movements or muscle weakness that could cause a “lazy eye”.
- Binocular vision skills assessment to ensure that your eyes work together properly as a team. This is important for proper depth perception, eye muscle coordination and the ability to change focus from near to far objects.
- Eye pressure test. This test is performed as a glaucoma screening test.
- Ocular health assessment. The doctor will thoroughly evaluate your eye anatomy, including the cornea, lens, retina, optic nerve, and vasculature to detect any abnormalities.
- Additional testing, treatment options, and glasses prescription will be discussed with you by your doctor at the conclusion of your eye evaluation.
To schedule a comprehensive eye exam please contact our office.